Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Controversy in Interpretation

Paths in the woods and lanes on highways are not the only things that can diverge. Two individuals' perceptions of the same poem can also differ substantially.

We can allow for such difference if the differing interpretations are reasonably supported by evidence in the poem itself and perhaps also in the historical context of the poem and our knowledge of its author.

You have already offered your own interpretations of Frost's "The Road Not Taken," and you have also just read an explication of the poem that differs from what most of you have written (google.doc Explication: Road Not Taken). In a paragraph or two, briefly summarize the reading of the poem in this explication and explain why you agree or disagree with it. For full credit post promptly by 7:30 am on Thursday, February 9.

Friday, February 3, 2012


We have produced collaborative paraphrases of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" in class on google.docs to which you all have access. Now, before we discuss this poem further as a group, I would like each of you to write a carefully composed and punctuated paragraph expressing your understand of what the poem is about and is expressing. Do not be afraid to hypothesize or venture a guess ... I will not be grading for correctness of interpretation. Just communicate to me your thoughts on the subject. Submit your paragraph here as a comment by 7:15 am Monday morning, February 6th. Comments will not appear on the blog until later Monday.