Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Seeing Red

Imagine your English teacher's delight when in 2008 the stock market took a terrible tumble. Though much of her personal fortune evaporated overnight, she was more than compensated for her financial woes by a cartoon appearing on the cover of one of the last issues of the New Yorker she was able to afford. Literary references are hard to come by, and here was a reference to a story she taught year after year after year after year...

Explicate the reference. Why is there only one color in this otherwise black-and-white graphic, and why is that color apt in more than one way? Why is this story a perfect reference for the 2008 stock market crash? Small, pitiful prize (never did recover that fortune) for the most shrewd and knowing comment. Comments should be entered by Tuesday morning at 7:30 am, Oct. 25th.